Information Blog about blasting and the industry
Some interesting thoughts on stuff. You don’t have to agree but do be open to discussion

To Sand Blast Or Not To Blast Sand. That Is The Question
Sand Blasting, What should it be called? Sand Blast, Sandblast, Grit Blast, Abrasive Blast, etc.: What’s in a Name and Does It Even Matter? Introduction When it comes to

Surface Adhesion | Enhanced By Sandblasting
Changing Surface Properties for Improved Adhesion Sandblasting is a process that harnesses the raw force of abrasive materials to transform the surface adhesion properties of steel. Whether you’re seeking

Sandblasting vs grinding
Choosing the Right Surface Preparation Method: Sandblasting vs. Grinding When it comes to achieving a flawless and long-lasting coating on fabricated steel, proper surface preparation is the key. Traditionally,

Car Rotisserie for Sandblasting and Every Aspect of Your Project
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on using a car rotisserie for car restoration projects. Whether you’re a seasoned car enthusiast or a beginner looking to embark on a restoration

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS): Sandblasting can help
What is Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)? Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is a debilitating condition caused by repeated exposure to vibration. It encompasses a range of symptoms, including vibration

Reveal the Grain, Sandblasted Timber Artworks
How can ordinary pieces of timber can be sandblasted into stunning works of art? One fascinating technique that allows us to unleash and reveal the timber grain creativity is

The Future of Sandblasting
Ever wonder about the future of sandblasting, its prospects and how it could impact various sectors? Sandblasting, a process that employs high-pressure air to propel abrasive media at surfaces,

What is Dustless Blasting?
“Dustless” is not Dust-Free Marketing departments get paid big money trying to tell us something by saying something else. “95% Fat-free” sounds better than 5% fat “Cholesterol-free” rice when

Paint strip furniture the hard and the easy way
You have found that fantastic piece of wooden furniture and it was a bargain. Maybe it was something that has been in the family for a generation or more.

Sandblasting dangers vs wet blasting benefits
Is sandblasting dangerous? Yes, it is. So are many other things done to excess or incorrectly. As time goes by we learn from the past, hopefully. Sandblasting dangers have

Paint strippers and why you should not use them
Why the dramatic image? Everything in life can be bad for you if you use too much or incorrectly. Paint stripper is a very effective product for certain jobs