Garden and landscape items can benefit greatly from a visit by MP BLAST.
- An ideal service to use prior to selling your home to get a maximum return on your property.
- Perfect for property maintenance contractors looking for that ‘edge’ over the competition.
- Excellent for a spring clean around your home prior to those long summer days.
Giving you maximum time to enjoy and entertain in your garden.
It just takes us a short time to give you results that you will enjoy for years to come.
Just a few things you can have cleaned and restored in your garden:
- Bring Bar-be-que areas back to new
- Clean paved areas giving a fresh new feel
- Decking revived and ready to seal
- Remove stains and rejuvenate driveways
- Stone and brickwork cleaning
- Rust stains and mould from concrete paths
- Animal droppings, chewing gum, and other foreign objects blasted off
- Paint spills and fire damage cleanup

Best of all, we do all this without any chemicals, dust, upset neighbours or blisters. Even on large blocks or restricted access properties, we are able to operate up to 80 metres from the blast unit.